Peppermint Crisp Fridge Tart

Peppermint crisp fridge tart, a South African all time favourite
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  • 1 Packet of tennis biscuits, or Nice biscuits (UK)
  • 1 Tin of ready made caramel
  • 500 ml of fresh cream (double cream)
  • I large peppermint crisp, or peppermint aero grated
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  • Arrange the biscuits in a greased tart dish
  • Whip the cream until stiff and then add in the caramel
  • Pour ½ of the mixture over the biscuits and grate a layer of chocolate over
  • Arrange another layer of biscuits on top of the chocolate
  • Pour over the rest of the caramel mixture
  • Grate another layer of chocolate and add some crushed biscuits
  • Decorate with cream and grated peppermint crisp
  • Allow to set in the fridge overnight or until firm

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